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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cubes, Power Outages, and Jumping

Hi! You should see me now - I'm getting bigger every day, or at least that's what Mom says. Mom and Dad think I weigh about 8 or 9 pounds now! And Mom says that includes at least a pound or two of pudge. What can I say - I like to eat.

We are still in the trailer, but headed to the vet Monday morning, so keep your fingers crossed. We did get to come inside for a little while 'cause of the big storm. Mom had bought these cool little cube hut things we could stay warm in, and we have a heater in the trailer, but then the power went out! So we came into the house, but we had to stay in our crates. We got to meet some of the our housemates from a safe distance. I'm still not quite sure what I think of dogs. They look a bit like coyotes, and I definitely DON'T like coyotes. Bastie scared one of the dogs and he jumped up and back and it was really funny. After a while they were friends, though, so maybe dogs aren't so bad.

My big news is that I have learned to jump. I have a lot of fun jumping over and on my cube. Mom says you'd never know I'm missing a leg by the way I jump.

When we go to the vet's, I guess I may be staying overnight to get tutored. I think that's what Mom said. Something like that, anyway. Wonder what that means?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

'Tis the Season

OK, so maybe it doesn't quite look that way in this picture (Mom took seventeen, but I only managed to hold still for one) but I really don't mind my Halloween costume.
Except I don't really care for the hat.
What do you think?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vocabulary - with Spyder

im·pos·si·bil·i·ty - noun \(ˌ)im-ˌpä-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē\

1 the quality or state of being impossible

2 something impossible


Getting a very silly three-legged kitty to hold still for a picture is an impossibility.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My New Blankie

So I've got a new, big crate now, and a new bed, and new toys - and a new blankie! I can walk pretty good now - enough so that I can even play and chase things a little in my new big crate.

Still in isolation, but Mom says we're going back to see the vet soon, so maybe we can go meet the rest of our new family soon.

I'm walking much better now, and I've discovered the unmitigated joy of tummy rubs. My favorite place is still up on Mom's shoulder, but my bed is a close second.

And now my bed even has a new blankie - see?

Mom wanted me to show you my new mouse with the little fluffy bits on his tail, but I couldn't stop playing with him long enough for her to get the picture.

I love to be pet now, and I'm really liking my new home - so much that I purr a real lot. Mom says I'm really coming out of my shell, which is weird, cuz I don't even have a shell.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricanes and Chin Scratches

First, the weather -

Irene came and went, and other than some leaves and small branches down, and a little water in the basement, you'd never know it.  We were very lucky.  Bast and I were snug in our camper, and weathered the storm safe and sound.

And I'm starting to walk on my own more and more.  Still a little wobbly, but I'm getting there.

My favorite thing to do is to have Mom pick me up, and then I climb way up onto her shoulder and flop down.  Sometimes I am so comfy I fall asleep.  Second favorite thing is still chin scratches.

I'm still a little afraid of everything, but I'm working on it.

- Spyder

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yep, ringworm.

My sister Bast has it. This is Bast at the vet's last week:

That's when Mom found out good news...and bad news. See, Bast got to our new home the same day I did. I had three legs, and Bast had MRSA. Since both of us were pretty sick, we had to be quarantined for a while. Our vet likes to be very careful about these things, so even after my stitches came out, he wanted me isolated for the time being. Well, Bastie had to be isolated on account of the MRSA, which I guess is a pretty nasty little bacteria that can make you really sick. Mom took Bast to the vet last week to make sure it was all fixed.

And it was! That's the good news. But the bad news...Bastie has ringworm. Which I guess isn't really a worm at all - it's a fungus. Wonder why they don't call it ringfungus. I just call it annoying, cuz it means both Bastie and me need to stay in isolation til it's gone. Sigh.

On the upside, Mom is teaching me how to play and I played with a little toy mouse all by myself today. And I really like playing with the FADTOAS. I'm getting lots better at catching and shaking things, and I walk a short distance all the time now. It's a little bit of work, and sometimes I lose my balance a little, but it's getting easier.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Picture Time!

OK, so when you're trying to take a picture of your kitten, and your husband's got one of those nifty Things-On-A-Stick (TOAS) to get him to look alert, this is how things go:
Dang. Again.
Aw, come on - he was looking right at the camera when I snapped this!
Ok, this one's cute. But why does he hang out in the litterbox?
Target acquired...lasers charging...
"Wait a that the camera? You have the camera out again, don't you?"
Lasers fully charged and locked on sister kitty.
Target reacquired...Must...swat...TOAS...